EventStorming at Aardling
How we teach EventStorming at our clients
How we teach EventStorming at our clients
The language you use in the code and the artefacts should be the same language that you agree upon with the business
A new book filled with practices, collaboration tools, and effective techniques for incorporating your key stakeholders into the software design process.
There’s a moment where it’s too soon to invest in a radical new software design for your system. And then you reach a moment where it’s too late, too expensive to change it. How to find the sweet spot?
A case study of how Aardling works with clients
Insights from our senior consultant Stijn Vannieuwenhuyse on modelling
Attempting to create a single universal language and model for the entirety of the organisation’s software systems, is doomed to fail. That's why Bounded Contexts are so useful.
How to facilitate domain modelling decisions to build shared understanding.
Here's the case for how Domain-Driven Design brings business value.