Presenting Domain-Driven Design at Belfius

At the end of last year, banking giant Belfius held its internal conference, Technology Marketplace in Brussels.
Our senior consultant, Gien Verschatse, was invited to speak as a Domain-Driven Design expert alongside Xavier Levaux, a senior technical coach at the company.
In her talk, she presented how DDD enables a shared understanding between domain experts and software through a common ubiquitous language.
Here are 3 key benefits of DDD for complex software systems shared by Gien on stage:
Shared Understanding: By using a "Ubiquitous Language," both technical and non-technical teams stay aligned.
Clear Boundaries: Systems are divided into Bounded Contexts, making complexity more manageable.
Adaptability: DDD allows for easier system changes as business needs evolve.
It’s great to see organisations like Belfius taking initiatives that lead to stronger collaboration and better software design.
If you’re interested in one of our consultants being on stage at your internal conference, contact us below.